Abhinavagupta: Bodhapañcadaśikā

# Header

  This file is a plain text transformation of http://gretil.sub.uni-goettingen.de/gretil/corpustei/sa_abhinavagupta-bodhapaJcadazikA.xml
  with a rudimentary header. For a more extensive header please refer to the source file.

## Data entry: Marino Faliero
## Contribution: Marino Faliero
## Date of this version: 2020-07-31

## Source: 
   - .

## Publisher: Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL), SUB Göttingen

## Licence:
   This e-text was provided to GRETIL in good faith that no copyright rights have been infringed. If anyone wishes to assert copyright over this file, please contact the GRETIL management at gretil(at)sub(dot)uni-goettingen(dot)de. The file will be immediately removed pending resolution of the claim.
   Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

## Structure of references:
   A reference is assembled consisting of
   - a pragmatic abbreviation of the title: Bodhapañcadaśikā = AgBpd,
   - the number of the  in arabic numerals,
   - the number of the verse in arabic numerals.

## Notes:
   This file has been created by mass conversion of GRETIL's Sanskrit corpus from bodhpanu.htm. Due to the heterogeneity of the sources the header markup might be suboptimal. For the sake of transparency the header of the legacy file is documented in the note element below:

	 Abhinavagupta: Bodhapancadasika
Encoded by: Dott. Marino Faliero
Date: July 1998

## Revisions:
   - 2020-07-31: TEI encoding by mass conversion of GRETIL's Sanskrit corpus

# Text

anastamitabhārūpas tejasāṃ tamasām api |
ya eko 'ntar yadantaś ca tejāṃsi ca tamāṃsi ca || AgBpd_1

sa eva sarvabhūtānāṃ svabhāvaḥ parameśvaraḥ |
bhāvajātaṃ hi tasyaiva śaktir īśvaratāmayī || AgBpd_2

śaktiś ca śaktimadrūpād vyatirekam na vāñchati |
tādātmyam anayor nityaṃ vahnidāhikayor iva || AgBpd_3

sa eva bhairavo devo jagadbharaṇalakṣaṇaḥ |
svātmādṛṣe samagraṃ hi yacchaktyā pratibimbitam || AgBpd_4

tasyaivaiṣā parā devī svarūpāmarśanotsukā |
pūrṇatvaṃ sarvabhaveṣu yasyā nālpaṃ na cādhikam || AgBpd_5

eṣa devo 'nayā devyā nityaṃ krīḍārasotsukaḥ |
vicitrān sṛṣṭisaṃhārān vidhatte yugapad vibhuḥ || AgBpd_6

atidurghaṭakāritvam asyānuttaram eva yat |
etad eva svatantratvam aisvaryaṃ bodharūpatā || AgBpd_7

paricchinnaprakāśatvaṃ jaḍasya kila lakṣaṇam |
jaḍād vilakṣaṇo bodho yato na parimīyate || AgBpd_8

evam asya svatantrasya nijaśaktyupabhedinaḥ |
svātmagāḥ sṛṣṭisaṃhārāḥ svarūpatvena saṃsthitāḥ || AgBpd_9

teṣu vaicitryam atyantam ūrdhvādhas tiryag eva yat |
bhuvanāni tadaṃśāś ca sukhaduḥkhamatiś ca yā || AgBpd_10

yad etasyāparijñānaṃ tatsvātantryaṃ hi varṇitam |
sa eva khalu saṃsāro mūḍānāṃ yo vibhīṣakaḥ || AgBpd_11

tatprasādarasād eva gurvāgamata eva vā |
śāstrād vā parameśasya yasmāt kasmād upāgatam || AgBpd_12

yat tattvasya parijñānaṃ sa mokṣaḥ parameśataḥ |
tat pūrṇatvaṃ prabuddhānāṃ jīvanmuktiś ca sā smṛtā || AgBpd_13

etau bandhavimokṣau ca parameśasvarūpataḥ |
na bhidyete na bhedo hi tattvataḥ parameśvare || AgBpd_14

ittham icchākalājñānaśaktiśūlāmbujāśritaḥ |
bhairavaḥ sarvabhāvānāṃ svabhāvaḥ pariśīlyate || AgBpd_15
sukumāramatīn śiṣyān prabodhayitum añjasā |ime 'bhinavaguptena ślokāḥ pañcadaśoditāḥ ||

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
Holder of rights
Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL), SUB Göttingen

Citation Suggestion for this Object
TextGrid Repository (2022). 1_sanskr. tei. transformations. plaintext. sa_abhinavagupta-bodhapaJcadazikA. GRETIL. Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL), SUB Göttingen. https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001C-8D60-7