
# Header

  This file is a plain text transformation of http://gretil.sub.uni-goettingen.de/gretil/corpustei/sa_AlambanaparIkSA.xml
  with a rudimentary header. For a more extensive header please refer to the source file.

## Data entry: members of the Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project
## Contribution: members of the Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Input Project
## Date of this version: 2020-07-31

## Source: 
   - N. Aiyaswami Shastri, Madras: The Adyar Library, 1942.

## Publisher: Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL), SUB Göttingen

## Licence:
   This e-text was provided to GRETIL in good faith that no copyright rights have been infringed. If anyone wishes to assert copyright over this file, please contact the GRETIL management at gretil(at)sub(dot)uni-goettingen(dot)de. The file will be immediately removed pending resolution of the claim.
   Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

## Structure of references:
   A reference is assembled consisting of
   - a pragmatic abbreviation of the title: Ālambanaparīkṣā = ,
   - the number of the  in arabic numerals,
   - the number of the verse in arabic numerals.

## Notes:
   This file has been created by mass conversion of GRETIL's Sanskrit corpus from bsa001_u.htm. Due to the heterogeneity of the sources the header markup might be suboptimal. For the sake of transparency the header of the legacy file is documented in the note element below:

Based on the ed. by N. Aiyaswami Shastri,
Madras: The Adyar Library, 1942.
Input by members of the Sanskrit Buddhist Input Project.
With kind permission of the Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Project
of Nagarjuna Institute, Nepal
and University of the West, Rosemead, California, USA
Sastra section, text no. 1
The transliteration emulates the conventions of Nagari script.
Therefore, many word boundaries are not marked by blanks.

## Revisions:
   - 2020-07-31: TEI encoding by mass conversion of GRETIL's Sanskrit corpus

# Text

ālambanaparīkṣā (āp)


namaḥ sarvabuddhabodhisattvebhyaḥ

yadyapīndriyavijñaptergrāhyāṃśaḥ(=aṇavaḥ) kāraṇaṃ bhavet| atadābhatayā tasyā nākṣavadviṣayaḥ sa tu(aṇavaḥ) // āp_1 //

yadābhāsā na tasmāt sā dravyābhāvāt dvicandravat /
evaṃ bāhyadvayañcaiva na yuktaṃ matigocaraḥ // āp_2 //

sādhanaṃ sañcitākāramicchanti kila kecana /
aṇvākāro na vijñapterarthaḥ kaṭhinatādivat // āp_3 //

bhaveddhaṭaśarāvādestathā sati samā matiḥ /
ākārabhedādbhedaścet, nāsti tu dravyasatyaṇau // āp_4 //

pramāṇabhedābhāvāt saḥ, adravye 'sti tataḥ sa hi /
aṇūnāṃ parihāre hi tadābhajñānaviplavāt // āp_5 //

yadantarjñeyarūpaṃ tu vahirvadavabhāsate /
so 'rtho vijñānarūpatvāttatpratyayatayāpi ca // āp_6 //

ekāṃśaḥ pratyayo 'vītāt śaktyarpaṇātkrameṇa[vā] /
sahakārivaśādyaddhi śaktirūpaṃ [tat] indriyam // āp_7 //

sā cāviruddhā vijñapterevaṃ viṣayarūpakam /
pravartate 'nādikālaṃ śaktiścānyonyahetuke // āp_8 //

ityācāryadiṅnāgakṛtā ālambanaparīkṣāprakaraṇakārikā samāptā


Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
Holder of rights
Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL), SUB Göttingen

Citation Suggestion for this Object
TextGrid Repository (2022). 1_sanskr. tei. transformations. plaintext. sa_AlambanaparIkSA. GRETIL. Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages (GRETIL), SUB Göttingen. https://hdl.handle.net/21.T11991/0000-001C-8F8C-4