Distant Reading – 2021-09-23

Distant Reading – 2021-09-23

Distant Reading for European Literary History (COST Action CA16204) is a project aiming to create a vibrant and diverse network of researchers jointly developing the resources and methods necessary to change the way European literary history is written. Grounded in the Distant Reading paradigm (i.e. using computational methods of analysis for large collections of literary texts), the Action will create a shared theoretical and practical framework to enable innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods of literary text analysis across at least 10 European languages. Fostering insight into cross-national, large-scale patterns and evolutions across European literary traditions, the Action will facilitate the creation of a broader, more inclusive and better-grounded account of European literary history and cultural identity. [more...]

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  1. text/tg.collection+tg.aggregation+xml
  2. text/tg.collection+tg.aggregation+xml

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Distant Reading Project Page (2021-09-28)

Example Project

Project name: fu_eltec_new

Project ID: TGPR-f3e628ae-74b8-2ebb-9fee-614c59c9b522

Browsing the Project

All objects of this project are displayed on this README.md page. Browsing in the TextGrid Repository can be done via setting the project filter.


The basic metadata is covered by the TextGrid Metadata schema in Edition and Work metadata, all additional project specific metadata is covered by the metadata added to the works. Please see the following two examples:

Technically, there are two parts of metadata: Metadata that can be searched using facets, and metadata that cannot.

Search for Regular Metadata (Facets Possible)

1. language

Look for: edition.language:"eng"

2. timeSlot

Look for: work.temporal.id.value:"timeSlot" AND work.temporal.value:"T3" (in ONE tag!)

3. firstEdition

Look for: work.dateOfCreation.value:"2000"

Search for Project Specific Metadata (Simple Search Possible)

4. authorGender

Look for: work.subject.id.value:"authorGender" AND work.subject.value:"male" (in ONE tag!)

5. size

Look for: work.subject.id.value:"size" AND work.subject.value:"medium" (in ONE tag!)

6. reprintCount

Look for: work.subject.id.value:"reprintCount" AND work.subject.value:"high" (in ONE tag!)


More and up-to-date issues please find in the project's Gitlab Issues